Strength of Price Movement Multi Timeframe indicator for MT5
Strength of Price Movement Multi Timeframe indicator for MT5 Source link
Strength of Price Movement Multi Timeframe indicator for MT5 Source link
My Struggle with GBPUSD (And Why I Almost Gave Up) If you’ve ever traded GBPUSD, you know it can be a brutal pair. I used to spend countless hours staring at the charts, trying to …
Thanks to in-depth analysis and my forex trading experience, I developed a strategy that allowed me to turn 400 € into 3400 €. I became one of the top 5 investors on the Bondora platform …
Introduction and General Overview Zyra is an innovative solution specifically designed for traders who want to automate their trading strategies while maintaining maximum flexibility. Whether you are a beginner or an experienced trader, this EA …
The collapse of bitcoin from record heights recorded on Monday is related to traders’ expectations regarding President Donald Trump’s actions in the field of cryptocurrencies. After signing key decrees on the first day of his …
Upon assuming the office of President of the United States, Donald Trump signed a number of decrees that marked fundamental changes in the country’s political course. Among his first decisions are the cancellation of 78 …
Winning in the forex market is one of the toughest challenges out there. It’s a constant battle against large participants like institutional traders, banks, and others whose primary objective is to take your money and …
The Future of Center EA: A New Chapter Since its launch, Center EA has been a cornerstone in the world of automated trading, standing out for its robustness, ease of use, and effectiveness. It has …
Balances in EW products In the EW product range, we will find ‘balances’, ‘capital’, and ‘equity ‘in various places. This article explains what they mean and how they relate to each other. It also explains …