How to use the trading panel

How to open an order and position

  1. Comment for order.
  2. Method of calculating the order volume.
  3. Field for entering risk.
  4. Calculated order volume.
  5. Fix the ratio between SL and TP.
  6. Ratio between SL and TP.
  7. Set virtual SL and TP for the order.
  8. Button for switching the SL and TP units of measurement (Point/Price).
  9. Fields for entering SL and TP.
  10. Buttons for opening orders using lines and labels on the chart.
  11. Maximum allowable spread. Used to open positions. If the spread is greater than the specified size when the button for opening a position is pressed, the position will be canceled.
  12. Buttons for quickly opening Buy and Sell positions.
  13. Buttons for quickly opening pending orders.
  14. Price for opening a pending order for buttons 14. The price for opening a pending order can be set as a distance from the current price to the order price. To do this, click the “Price” button (change its position to “Point”).
  15. Pending order trailing. The panel tracks the distance from the current price to the order price, and if this distance becomes greater than the specified one, the panel will move the pending order to the price at the specified distance.
  16. Pending order expiration time. If the pending order does not trigger before the set time, it will be deleted.
  17. Button for setting the ATR indicator value as SL and TP.
  18. Buttons for opening BuyStopLimit and SellStopLimit orders using lines and labels on the chart (only for MT 5).
  19. Lines and labels for opening orders.

How to open a position

Method #1:

  1. Enter the required parameters: Comment 1, Risk calculation type and risk size 2,3. If you want to replace real TP and SL with virtual ones, enable check 7.
  2. Click the “Line Sell” button if you open Sell or “Line Buy” if you open Buy 10.
  3. Using labels 19 or fields 9, set the TP and SL prices. If necessary, use the fixed ratio of 5,6, button 8 to switch Price / Point, button 18 if you want to use the ATR indicator as TP and SL.
  4. Enable function 11 if you want to open a position only if the current spread is less than the specified one.
  5. Click the Open Sell or Open Buy button.

Method #2:

  1. Enter the required parameters: Comment 1, Risk calculation type and risk size 2,3. If you want to replace real TP and SL with virtual ones, enable check 7.
  2. Enter TP and SL in fields 9. If necessary, use a fixed ratio of 5,6, button 8 to switch Price/Point, button 18 if you want to use the ATR indicator readings as TP and SL.
  3. Enable function 11 if you want to open a position only if the current spread is less than the specified one.
  4. Click the “Sell” or “Buy” button 12.

How to open a pending order

Method #1:

  1. Enter the required parameters: Comment 1, Risk calculation type and risk size 2,3. If you want to replace real TP and SL with virtual ones, enable check 7.
  2. Click the “Line Sell” button if you open Sell or “Line Buy” if you open Buy 10.
  3. Using labels 19 or fields 9, 14 set the order opening price, TP and SL. If necessary, use the fixed ratio 5,6, button 8 to switch Price/Point, button 18 if you want to use the ATR indicator as TP and SL.
  4. Turn on trailing 15 if you want the pending order to follow the current price.
  5. Turn on expiration 16 if you want the pending order to be deleted at a specified time.
  6. Click the Open SellLimit/ SellStop or Open BuyLimit/ BuyStop button.

Method #2:

  1. Enter the required parameters: Comment 1, Risk calculation type and risk size 2,3. If you want to replace real TP and SL with virtual ones, enable the check 7.
  2. Enter the order opening price, TP and SL in fields 9 and 14. If necessary, use a fixed ratio 5,6, button 18 if you want to use the ATR indicator readings as TP and SL.
  3. Enable trailing 15 if you want the pending order to follow the current price.
  4. Enable expiration 16 if you want the pending order to be deleted at a specified time.
  5. Click the “SellLimit“, “SellStop“, “BuyLimit” or “BuyStop” button 12.

How to open multiple orders and positions in one click, how to open a grid of orders

  1. Type of order grid.
  2. Number of orders in the grid.
  3. Order volume in the grid.
  4. Step between orders in the grid.
  5. Method for calculating TP of grid orders.
  6. Method for calculating SL of grid orders.

Learn more about setting up grid parameters here.

How to open multiple orders or positions in one click

  1. Set the number of additional orders or positions 2 and their volume 3.
  2. Set Step = 0 4.
  3. Set the calculation method of TP and SL of additional orders or positions.
  4. Open a position or order according to the instructions above.
  5. After the position or order (master-order) is opened, the panel will open additional positions or orders. The type and price of the order or position opening will be the same as the master-order.

How to open an order grid

  1. Set the order grid type (Stop or Limit) 1.
  2. Set the number of orders in the grid 2 and their volume 3.
  3. Set the step between grid orders 4.
  4. Set the calculation method for TP and SL of grid orders.
  5. Open a position or order according to the instructions above.
  6. After a position or order (master order) is opened, the trading panel will open the order grid. The master-order will be the first order of the grid.

How to close orders and positions

  1. Partially close all positions.
  2. Close profitable positions.
  3. Close unprofitable positions.
  4. Close all positions and orders.
  5. Close Buy positions.
  6. Close Sell positions.
  7. Close Buy pending orders.
  8. Close Sell pending orders.
  9. Apply close to all symbols.

To partially close all positions, specify the part to close in % and click button 1.

To close orders and positions of a given type, click button 2, 3, 5, 6, 7 or 9.

To close all Orders and Positions, click button 4.

To have the panel close orders and positions on all symbols, enable checkbox 10.

How to reverse a position

  1. Reverse Sell positions.
  2. Reverse all positions.
  3. Reverse Buy positions.

To reverse a Sell position, click button 1. The panel will close all Sell positions and open one Buy position with a volume equal to the volume of closed Sell positions.

To reverse a Buy position, click button 3. The panel will close all Buy positions and open one Sell position with a volume equal to the volume of closed Buy positions.

To reverse Buy and Sell positions simultaneously, click button 2. The panel will close all Buy and Sell positions, open one Sell position with a volume equal to the volume of closed Buy positions, and open one Buy position with a volume equal to the volume of closed Sell positions.

How to lock positions

  1. Lock positions.

To lock positions, click button 1. The panel will open a position that will make the volumes of Buy and Sell positions equal.

How to set stop loss (SL) of all positions to breakeven level

  1. Set SL of each position to the opening price of the position.
  2. Indent SL from the opening price.

To set the SL of each position to the opening price of that position, click button 1. To offset the SL from the opening price, enter the value in field 2.

How to set Stop Loss (SL) or Take Profit (TP) of positions to the general level

  1. Change Virtual SL and TP.
  2. Set TP or SL of Buy positions to the common level.
  3. Set TP and SL of Buy and Sell positions to the common level.
  4. Set TP or SL of Sell positions to the common level.
  5. Spread size for setting TP and SL of Buy and Sell positions to the common level (only for the All SL TP button).

To set TP or SL of Buy positions to the common level, press button 2. Move the label that appears on the chart to the desired level and press the Modify button.

To set TP or SL of Sell positions to the common level, press button 4. Move the label that appears on the chart to the desired level and press the Modify button.

To set TP of Sell positions and SL of Buy positions, or to set SL of Sell positions and TP of Buy positions to the common level, press button 3. Move the label that appears on the chart to the desired level and press the Modify button. If necessary, set the indent between SL and TP in field 5.

To change virtual SL and TP, enable checkbox 1.

How to create an OCO-order

ОСО orders are two pending orders linked by a mutually canceling function: when one order is executed, the second order is deleted.

  1. Button for setting OCO order.
  2. List of set OCO orders.
  3. Fields for entering order tickets that will be linked in OCO order.
  4. Button for creating OCO orders.
  5. Order labels

To create an OCO order:

  1. Click the “+OCO order” button 1.
  2. Enter the order ticket numbers in the fields 3, or select orders using the labels 5 (click on the labels of the required orders).
  3. Click the OK button 4.

How to set the function of closing orders and positions when a specified profit or loss is reached

  1. A tab for closing orders and positions for all symbols. The function on this tab takes into account the profit of all positions on the account. When the specified profit or loss is reached, the function will close all orders and positions on the trading account.
  2. Current profit on selected positions in the deposit currency and as a % of the balance.
  3. The type of positions whose profit will be taken into account in the function.
  4. The type of positions and orders that will be closed when the function is activated.
  5. Close orders and positions when the specified profit in the currency is reached.
  6. Close orders and positions when the specified profit in % of the balance is reached.
  7. Close orders and positions when the specified loss in the currency is reached.
  8. Close orders and positions when the specified loss in % of the balance is reached.

To install the function:

Go to the “All Symbols” tab 1 to account for profits and close orders and positions on all symbols. Go to the “XXX Only” tab 9 to account for profits and close orders and positions on the current symbol only.

Select whose profit will activate the function 3.

Select which types of orders and positions the function will close when activated 4.

Enter the amount of profit or loss, upon reaching which the function will be activated 5-8 and enable the checkbox to start the function.

How to install Task

  1. Task type.
  2. Task activation condition:
    • Trend line – the task is activated when the current price touches the trend line.
    • Horizontal line – the task is activated when the current price touches the horizontal line.
    • Time – the task is activated when the specified time is reached (the time is indicated by a vertical line).
    • Task activation – the task is activated when another task is activated (selected from the already set tasks).
  3. Method of touching the current price of the task line (only for trend and horizontal lines).
  4. Touching on a rollback to the line (only for trend and horizontal lines):
    • “Rollback – bar closing” – when this option is enabled, the task will be activated when the following sequential events occur:
      1. the price will cross the line and the bar will close on the opposite side of the line.
      2. then, after breaking the line, the price will roll back to the line and touch it (touch by the selected method).

      More than one bar may close behind the line, this does not cancel the task.

    • “Rollback – points” – when this option is enabled, the task will be activated when the following sequential events occur:
      1. the price will cross the line and retreat in the opposite direction from the line by the specified distance in points (field 1).
      2. then, after breaking the line, the price will roll back to the line and touch it (touch by the selected method).

      The price may move away from the line by more than the specified distance, this does not cancel the task.

  5. Delete task:
    • Delete the task when the specified time is reached.
    • Delete the task when the specified Bid price is reached.
    • Delete the task when the specified Ask price is reached.
  6. Color of the task line.
  7. Comment for the order.
  8. The method of calculating the order volume and the field for entering the risk.
  9. Calculated order volume.
  10. Fix the ratio between SL and TP.
  11. Fields for entering TP and SL.
  12. Profit/Loss when TP and SL are triggered.
  13. Button for setting the task.
  14. Type of order or position to be opened or closed.

To set up a task:

  1. Select the task type (open or close).
  2. Select the order or position type 14.
  3. Select the activation conditions (2. For lines – set to the required level, for “Task activation” select the task.
  4. For lines, if necessary, enable touch on Rollback 4.
  5. If necessary, enable the conditions under which the task will be deleted 5.
  6. Set the color of the task line.
  7. For a task to open an order or position, set its parameters 7-11.
  8. Click the OK button 13.

How to set the Trailing Stop function

Trailing stop is a function that automatically moves SL following the market price. The panel moves SL only in the direction of the position profit.

  1. Enable the trailing stop function.
  2. Trailing stop type.
  3. Trailing stop settings. More details Подробнее here.
  4. Start trailing stop settings.
  5. Apply these settings to orders and positions that are open on the current symbol.
  6. Load a trailing stop template.
  7. Save trailing stop settings to a template.

Trade Panel saves and applies trailing stop settings for each order and position separately, which allows you to:

  • Set different types of trailing stop for orders at the same time.
  • Enable trailing stop for only some orders.
  • Edit the trailing stop of a single order without affecting the trailing stop settings of other orders.

Trailing stop can be set up in three ways:

How to set a trailing stop for a new order or position

  1. Before opening an order or position, go to the Trailing Stop panel.
  2. Select the Trailing Stop type 2, configure it 3, if necessary, enable the “Start Trailing Stop” parameter 4 and enable Trailing Stop 1.
  3. After setting up the Trailing Stop, open an order or position. The opened position or order will have these Trailing Stop settings.

The Trailing Stop settings on this panel apply only to new orders and positions. To apply changes to the Trailing Stop settings on this panel to already open orders and positions, click button 5 (see below).

How to set/edit trailing stop of existing orders and positions opened on the current symbol

  1. Go to the Trailing Stop panel.
  2. Select the Trailing Stop type 2, configure it 3, if necessary, enable the “Start Trailing Stop” parameter 4. and enable Trailing Stop 1.
  3. After setting up the trailing stop, click the “Apply to open orders..” button 5. After clicking button 5, these Trailing Stop settings will be applied to all orders and positions that are open on the current symbol.

How to set/edit a trailing stop for an order or position

  1. Button for going to order or position settings.
  2. Tab for setting up Trailing Stop for an order or position.
  3. Order control panel.
  4. Enable the trailing stop function.
  5. Setting up Trailing Stop. More details here.
  6. Settings for Start Trailing Stop.
  7. Load a trailing stop template.
  8. Save trailing stop settings to a template.
  9. Label for setting up the Start Trailing Stop level.

To edit or set Trailing Stop:

  1. Go to the Order Management panel, to the Tr tab.
  2. Configure Trailing Stop 5, if necessary, enable Start Trailing Stop 6 and enable Trailing Stop 4.
  3. These trailing stop settings will be applied to the current order or position.

How to set the Breakeven function

The breakeven function works as follows: when the current price reaches the specified Distance, the function will move the SL to the order opening price + offset (Profit). The distance and offset are set from the order opening price, towards the position profit. The function processes each breakeven level only once. The function moves the SL only towards the profit.

  1. Enable breakeven function.
  2. List of breakeven levels.
  3. Apply these settings to orders and positions that are open on the current symbol.
  4. Download breakeven template.
  5. Save breakeven settings to the template.
  6. Create a new breakeven level.
  7. Delete breakeven level.

Trade Panel saves and applies Breakeven settings for each order and position separately, which allows you to:

  • Set different Breakeven settings for orders at the same time.
  • Enable Breakeven for only some orders.
  • Edit Breakeven for a single order without affecting the Breakeven settings for other orders.

Setting up Breakeven can be done in three ways:

How to set a Breakeven for a new order or position

  1. Before opening an order or position, go to the Breakeven function panel.
  2. Configure the required number of Breakeven levels 2 and enable the Breakeven function 1.
  3. After configuring the Breakeven function, open an order or position. The opened position or order will have these Breakeven function settings.

The Breakeven settings on this panel apply only to new orders and positions. To apply changes to the Breakeven settings on this panel to already open orders and positions, click button 3 (see below).

How to set/edit Breakeven of existing orders and positions opened on the current symbol

  1. Go to the Breakeven function panel.
  2. Configure the required number of Breakeven levels 2 and enable the Breakeven function 1.
  3. After configuring the Breakeven function, click the “Apply to open orders..” button 3. After clicking button 3, these Breakeven settings will be applied to all orders and positions that are open on the current symbol.

How to set/edit a Breakeven for an order or position

  1. Button for going to order or position settings.
  2. Tab for setting up the Breakeven function of an order or position.
  3. Order control panel.
  4. Enable the Breakeven function.
  5. Breakeven levels.
  6. Load the Breakeven function template.
  7. Save the Breakeven function settings to the template.
  8. Labels for setting up Breakeven levels. Distance is the level that the price should touch, Profit is the level where the SL will be moved.

To edit or set the Breakeven function:

  1. Go to the Order Management panel, to the Br tab.
  2. Set the required number of Breakeven levels 5 and enable the function 4.
  3. These trailing stop settings will be applied to the current order or position.

How to set the Partial close function

The Partial Close function works as follows: when the current price reaches the specified Distance, the function will close the specified part of the position. The distance is set from the opening price of the position, towards profit or loss. If the position volume is equal to or less than the partial close volume, the function will close the entire position.

  1. Enable Partial Close in Profit Zone.
  2. List of Partial Close levels in Profit Zone.
  3. Enable Partial Close in Loss Zone.
  4. List of Partial Close levels in Loss Zone.
  5. Apply these settings to orders and positions that are open on the current symbol.
  6. Load Partial Close settings from template.
  7. Save Partial Close settings to template.
  8. Create a new Partial Close level.
  9. Delete Partial Close level.

Trade Panel saves and applies Partial Close settings for each order and position separately, allowing you to:

  • Set different Partial Close settings for orders at the same time.
  • Enable Partial Close for only some orders.
  • Edit Partial Close for a single order without affecting the Partial Close settings for other orders.

Partial Closure can be configured in three ways:

How to set a Partial close for a new order or position

  1. Before opening an order or position, go to the Partial Close function panel.
  2. Configure the required number of Partial Close levels (2, 4) and enable the Partial Close function (1, 3).
  3. After setting up the Partial Close function, open an order or position. The opened position or order will have these settings for the Partial Close function.

The Partial Close settings on this panel apply only to new orders and positions. To apply changes to the Partial Close settings on this panel to already open orders and positions, click button 5 (see below).

How to set/edit Partial close of existing orders and positions opened on the current symbol

  1. Go to the Partial Close function panel.
  2. Configure the required number of Partial Close levels 2, 4 and enable the Partial Close function 1, 3.
  3. After configuring the Partial Close function, click the “Apply to open orders..” button 5. After clicking the button 5, these Partial Close settings will be applied to all orders and positions that are open on the current symbol.

How to set/edit a Partial close for an order or position

  1. Button for going to order or position settings.
  2. Tab for setting up Partial Close of an order or position.
  3. Enable Partial Close of Profit.
  4. Partial Close of Profit levels.
  5. Enable Partial Close of Loss.
  6. Partial Close of Loss levels.
  7. Load Partial Close template.
  8. Save Partial Close settings to template.
  9. Labels for setting up Partial Close levels.

To edit or set the Partial Close feature:

  1. Go to the Order Management panel, to the Pc tab.
  2. Configure the required number of Partial Close levels 4, 6 and enable the function 3, 5.
  3. These partial close settings will be applied to the current order or position.

How to set up an alert

The set alert will be triggered when the price touches the line. You can set an unlimited number of alerts, on several symbols at the same time.

  1. Create a new alert.
  2. Alert conditions.
  3. Alert method:
    • Alert – pop-up window on the chart
    • Sound – sound file can be selected in the panel settings on the “Sounds” tab
    • Push notifications – message to a mobile device
    • EMAIL – message to an email inbox
  4. Number of repetitions.
  5. Pause between repetitions.
  6. Create alert.
  7. Cancel.

To create an alert:

  1. Click the + Alert button 1.
  2. Select the Alert conditions 2.
  3. Select the alert method 3.
  4. Set the number of repetitions 4.
  5. Set the pause between repetitions 5.
  6. Click the OK button.
  7. After clicking the OK button, the panel will create a line on the chart that needs to be set to the desired position.

How to switch symbol on chart

The panel can work with several symbols simultaneously. All installed functions will work regardless of the current chart symbol. For example, if you installed any function on EURUSD and switched the chart to AUDUSD, the panel will still continue to process the functions installed on EURUSD.

  1. Buttons for switching lists with symbols.
  2. List of symbols with open orders.
  3. List of favorite symbols.
  4. Current profit on the account.
  5. Buttons for switching the symbol on the chart.
  6. Button for adding a symbol to favorites.
  7. Panel for setting the color of the current symbol button.

Для переключения символа на графике нажмите кнопку с нужным символом 5.

Для добавления символа в избранное, нажмите кнопку 6.

Для перехода на список символов, где есть открытые ордера нажмите кнопку 2.

To switch a symbol on the chart, click the button with the desired symbol 5.

To add a symbol to your favorites, click button 6.

To go to the list of symbols where there are open orders, click button 2.

Info panel

  1. Spread on the symbol.
  2. Time remaining until the current bar closes.
  3. Profit on the symbol.
  4. Number of Sell positions, their volume and difference from the Buy volume.
  5. Number of Buy positions, their volume and difference from the Sell volume.
  6. Break-even price for positions on the symbol.
  7. ATR indicator readings.
  8. ATR indicator power reserve.

Trade report

  1. Show report from the current symbol.
  2. Report.
  3. Configure the trading history displayed on the chart.
  4. Trading history.

How to set up risk manager

  1. Current profit in the deposit currency and in % of the balance, the number of open positions per day.
  2. Conditions for activating the risk manager.
  3. When the condition is activated, display a message on the chart.
  4. When the condition is activated, send a notification to the mobile terminal (smartphone).
  5. When the condition is activated, send a message to EMAIL.
  6. When the condition is activated, close all positions on the trading account.
  7. When the condition is activated, delete all pending orders on the trading account.
  8. When the condition is activated, lock all positions on the trading account (open additional opposite positions that will equalize the volumes of Sell and Buy positions).
  9. When the condition is triggered, close the terminal and prohibit its opening until the next date.
  10. When the condition is activated, perform all enabled actions and disable the conditions (apply the action only once).
  11. Enable the risk condition manager.
  12. Field for entering the Profit (Loss) amount, upon exceeding which the set risk manager action will be activated. In each field you can enter both a positive and a negative value (with a minus sign), and the entered value will be used as is.
  13. Button for switching the unit of measurement of Profit (Loss) (in the deposit currency or %).
  14. Frequency of sending messages. If the value is 0, the message will be sent 1 time.

How to install risk manager:

  • Select the conditions for activating the risk manager 2 and go to its settings.
  • In the settings, specify the action that the panel will perform if the condition is activated 3-9.
  • Enable checkbox 10 if the risk manager should be used only once (after activation and execution of the action, the risk manager for the selected condition will be disabled).
  • Enter the value upon reaching which the risk manager is activated 12 (if you enter a negative number, enter it with a minus sign).
  • Enable checkbox 11.

Managing orders and positions

  1. Positions tab.
  2. Orders tab.
  3. Order Grids tab.
  4. Show Order or Position Labels on the chart 8.
  5. Buttons for changing the color of the order or position label 8.
  6. Label color settings panel.
  7. Control panel for the selected order, more details below.
  8. Order label, the label is located at the order opening price. Shows information about the order, and also highlights it in color, when setting the color in the cell 8. The list of displayed information is configured here.

Managing order parameters

  1. Tab for editing TP and SL. For a pending order, editing the Opening price and trailing order.
  2. Tab for editing virtual TP and SL.
  3. Tab for setting up Trailing Stop.
  4. Tab for setting up Breakeven.
  5. Tab for setting up Partial Close.
  6. Tab for closing an order.
  7. SL and TP labels.

Cl tab

  1. Delete order.
  2. Set order expiration date.
  3. Set price, upon reaching which pending order will be deleted.
  4. Partial or full position closure.
  5. Close part of position in % of initial volume.
  6. Close specified volume.
  7. Enter SL price for function 3.

Managing the order grid

  1. Create a new order grid.
  2. Show on the chart the Labels of orders that belong to this grid.
  3. Grid number. The color of the labels of orders that belong to the grid.
  4. Types of orders and their number in the grid. B – Buy, S – Sell, BL – Buy Limit, BS – Buy Stop, SL – Sell Limit, SS – Sell Stop. For example, SL6 means that there are six Sell Limit orders in the grid.
  5. Volume of orders. For example, SL0.11 means that the total volume of Sell Limit orders in the grid is 0.11.
  6. Break-even price of the grid. The price at which the total profit of the grid will be zero. When calculating the price, only grid positions are used. If the price cannot be calculated or the grid consists only of pending orders, then the field displays the sign “—”.
  7. Grid SL and TP. The SL and TP values ​​are displayed only if they are the same for all grid orders. If the SL or TP of orders differ, then the field displays the sign “—”.
  8. Close the order grid.
  9. Order grid settings.

Order Grid Settings

  1. Tab for selecting grid orders.
  2. Tab for setting up TP and SL of grid orders.
  3. Tab for setting up the Grid Trailing Stop function.
  4. Tab for setting up the Grid Breakeven function.
  5. Tab for closing the grid.
  6. Checkbox for order belonging to the grid. Enabled – the order belongs to the grid, disabled – the order does not belong to the grid.

Tp Sl tab

  1. Fields for editing the TP and SL of the grid. The field displays the price if all grid orders have the same TP or SL, if the grid orders have different values, the field displays the “-” sign. To set the same TP or SL for all grid orders, enter the price in the field and click the “Modify” button.
  2. Fields for editing the TP and SL of the order. To edit the TP or SL of the order, enter the price in the field and click the “Modify” button.

Trailing Stop tab

  1. Enable trailing stop for the grid.
  2. Distance from the current price to SL, with this distance SL will follow the price.
  3. Trailing stop step.
  4. Start Trailing stop:
    • Price – the trailing stop function is activated if the current price reaches the price specified in the field 5.
    • Grid Br price – the trailing stop function is activated if the current price reaches the grid breakeven price (Grid breakeven price is the price at which the total grid profit will be zero). Only grid positions are used in the price calculation.
  5. The price at which the trailing stop function is activated. For the “Price” option, the price is entered manually, and for the “Grid Br price” option, it is calculated automatically (item 4).
  6. The offset from the grid breakeven price to the Trailing stop start level. Used for the “Grid Br price” option.
  7. Virtual SL trailing stop. This function moves the virtual SL of positions.

Breakeven tab

  1. Enable the Breakeven function for the grid.
  2. Distance – the distance from the grid breakeven price to the level, upon touching which the current price SL of the grid positions will be moved to the grid breakeven price + Profit (the value entered in the Profit 3 field).
  3. Profit (Offset) – the distance from the grid breakeven price to the level to which the SL of the grid positions will be moved. If profit = 0, then when the breakeven function is triggered, the SL will be set to the grid breakeven price.
  4. Price type:
    • Price — the price entered in field 5 is used as the price from which the Distance is set and to which the SL will be moved.
    • Grid Br Price — the grid breakeven price is used as the price from which the Distance is set and to which the SL will be moved (the grid breakeven price is the price at which the total grid profit will be zero). Only grid positions are used in calculating the price.
  5. Price for calculating the levels of the breakeven function. For the “Price” option, the price is entered manually, and for the “Grid Br” option, the price is calculated automatically (item 4).
  6. Virtual SL breakeven. This function moves the virtual SL of positions.

Closing tab

  1. Close all orders and grid positions.
  2. Close only profitable grid positions.
  3. Partial closure of grid positions, the part to be closed is specified in lots.
  4. Partial closure of grid positions, the part to be closed is specified in % of the initial position volume.

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