MT4/MT5 Expert Advisor Utility: Telegram Trade Copier

MT4/MT5 Expert Advisor: Telegram Trade Copier

Comprehensive User Guide

This Expert Advisor (EA) is specifically designed to copy trades from MT5 to Telegram channels, making it an essential tool for traders running signal services. It provides customizable settings for trade notifications, integrates advanced trade controls, and offers detailed reporting features.

You can download the MT4 version here  TelegramSender MT4

You can download the MT5 version here  MT5 To Telegram Pro

Use Cases

  1. Signal providers who want to automate trade notifications for their Telegram channels.
  2. Traders who want to maintain detailed trading records with daily reports and performance metrics.
  3. Trading groups that require centralized trade alerts and drawdown management.

Features Overview

  1. Easy Telegram API Integration: Sends real-time notifications for trade activities and drawdown alerts to Telegram channels.
  2. Emoji-Supported Customization: Input supports HTML emoji codes for personalized headers and footers in trade notifications.
  3. Chart Screenshots: Automatically sends chart snapshots highlighting entry and exit points whenever trades are placed or closed.
  4. Customizable Headers and Footers: Personalize your trading signal headers and footers with emojis and hyperlinks.
  5. Magic Number Tracking: Option to track trades based on specific Magic Numbers for tailored signal generation.
  6. Advanced Trade Controls: Configurable to trigger trades on new bar formations and supports detailed logging.
  7. Daily Reporting: Automatically sends daily performance reports with vital statistics.
  8. Drawdown Management: Monitors and alerts on maximum drawdown thresholds.
  9. Trade Limits: Allows control over maximum trades per day, week, and month.
  10. User-Friendly Dashboard: Displays trading performance insights within MT4, fully customizable for size, color, and layout.

Input Settings Guide

Telegram Channel Settings

  • Token: API token obtained from Telegram’s BotFather for authentication.
    Default: 6149339857:AAGVZhB3RIf7D091l7EHJDeDqWlqJfbYqRrr1

  • Chat ID: Unique identifier for your Telegram channel or group.
    Default: @mytradingchannelid

  • Link Preview: Enables or disables link previews in Telegram messages.
    Default: false

Notification Customization

Note: you can find the html emoji code from here. For example if you want print the  “make profit like 🗻” in header or footer then you have to write like “make profit like 🗻 “;

General Trading Settings

  • Enable Magic Number: Enable or disable tracking of trades by Magic Number.
    Default: false

  • Magic Number: Specifies the Magic Number for trade tracking.
    Default: 20131111

  • Enable Swap and Commission: Includes swap and commission in calculations.
    Default: true

  • Trade on New Bar: Determines whether trades are executed only on new bar formations.
    Default: true

  • Enable Logs: Captures detailed logs for debugging and analysis.
    Default: false

  • Show Chart Snapshot: Sends a chart screenshot with trade entry and exit points highlighted.
    Default: true

  • Snapshot Delay: Time delay in milliseconds before capturing a chart snapshot.
    Default: 600

Performance and Reporting

  • Enable Daily Report: Sends daily performance reports at a specified time.
    Default: true

  • Daily Report Time: Time for sending the daily report in HH:MM format.
    Default: 20:33

  • Drawdown Settings: Set thresholds for daily, weekly, and monthly drawdown percentages, and receive alerts when limits are exceeded.

Dashboard Display Settings

  • Show Dashboard: Displays the performance dashboard in MT4.
    Default: true

  • Panel Dimensions: Adjust panel width and height as a percentage of the chart.
    Defaults: Width: 30% , Height: 50%

  • Text Size: Customize text size as a percentage.
    Default: 1.3

  • Colors: Customize the color scheme for titles, labels, and values.
    Defaults: Title: Yellow , Label: SkyBlue , Value: White

How It Works

  1. Trade Monitoring: The EA monitors all trading activities in real-time, tracking specific Magic Numbers if enabled.
  2. Telegram Notifications: Sends updates for new orders, closed orders, and daily performance metrics to a Telegram channel.
  3. Chart Snapshots: Automatically generates and sends chart screenshots for better signal visualization.
  4. Drawdown Alerts: Monitors drawdown levels and sends alerts when thresholds are breached.
  5. Customizable Dashboard: Displays key trading metrics and performance insights directly within the MT4 interface.

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