Strategy Overview and Parameter Settings
Chinese version user guide is available at the end(最后有中文说明版本)
Product Link:
You can use any time frame. This strategy operates on the principle of “small fluctuations, large lot sizes.” To accommodate clients with low leverage, the default setting is lower lot sizes, keeping the risk relatively low. It is recommended to set the Compound Multiplier between 20 and 200. Even with the default setting of 20, the strategy has achieved 30x returns between 2020 and 2024. The long-term compounding effect of high-frequency strategies is quite impressive.
However, it is important to note that excessively large lot sizes may cause slippage, and the severity of this issue varies across different platforms. To mitigate this, we employ a batch entry method. If the backtest period is too short, you can increase the Compound Multiplier to enhance backtesting results. If no orders are generated, reducing this value may help.
Once loaded, the main window will display the account leverage. For leverage below 1:30, the Compound Multiplier should be set to less than 20. For leverage below 1:100, it should be less than 80. Lower leverage will increase margin usage, which could result in insufficient available funds, preventing the system from placing orders.
Due to the uniqueness of this strategy, some standard platform account types may perform poorly. Only ECN accounts or platforms with low spreads and high liquidity can generate profits. Generally speaking, accounts that can profit using the “Every tick based on real ticks” mode are likely to achieve similar results in live trading, with performance being very close.
There are many such platforms available. For reference, we provide a signal monitoring account that you can log into for viewing and backtesting:
- Login: 7280630
- Investor: f$XvTE4HiM4$ND
- Server: ICMarketsSC-MT5-2
If you already know how to log in to the monitoring account or do not need our monitoring account for backtesting, you can skip this step. (Step images are at the end)
Parameter Explanation:
Non-numerical parameters usually allow double-clicking the parameter value to open a drop-down option.
- note: Meaningless parameter, can be used for annotations, etc.
- Auto GMT: Important parameter, default is enabled. The EA is time-sensitive, and if the GMT is incorrect, the effect will be very poor. However, thanks to our efforts in development, the automatic GMT recognition is highly accurate, so keeping it TRUE is generally fine.
- GMT: This takes effect when Auto GMT is set to FALSE. The EA will output the GMT information in the EA log once when loaded and at the start of each day.
- Daylight Saving Time: Daylight Saving Time switch, only takes effect when Auto GMT is disabled.
- Show order entry and exit points: When enabled, the EA will mark buy and sell positions with a thumbs-up icon. The tip of the thumb represents the entry point. Upward indicates a buy, and downward indicates a sell. If there is a discrepancy with the actual order point, it indicates slippage. Slippage occurs when the platform’s liquidity is insufficient, and long-term slippage may require reducing the order size. Additionally, the platform’s spread may widen during the EA’s trading hours, which is also a liquidity issue.
- Open Slippage: Slippage limit for buy orders, ineffective on some platforms.
- Close Slippage: Slippage limit for sell orders, ineffective on some platforms.
- Open position spread limit: Spread limit for opening positions.
- Close position spread limit: Spread limit for closing positions.
- FridayMethod: Friday order strategy, with three options: halve the usual order size, proceed as usual, or pause orders. Double-click the option to open the drop-down menu.
Next are the order size control parameters:
Compound Mode: When TRUE, the EA uses a percentage of equity for order size, and the order size changes with equity. When FALSE, a fixed lot size is used.
Preset Compound Multiplier: Preset risk levels, with 5 levels corresponding to the Custom Compound Multiplier values of 20, 40, 60, 80, and 100. The default Custom value refers to the Custom Compound Multiplier value below.
Custom Compound Multiplier: Takes effect when the above option is set to Custom. Since different leverages use different margins, excessively large values may cause orders to stop due to insufficient funds. The default value of 20 carries minimal risk and can be used with 1:30 leverage. The default value is small to ensure that clients with low leverage can test normally. It is recommended to vary between 20 and 200. Also, note that large values combined with large funds may result in excessive order sizes, causing slippage due to insufficient platform liquidity. If necessary, you can use multiple platforms or multiple currency pairs.
Calculation formula:
Lots = ACCOUNT MARGIN FREE * 0.0001 * compoundMultiplier / 10 -
Order average distribution: When TRUE, the total lot size is split into multiple parts.
Disperse Average Parts: The number of parts into which the total lot size is split. When set to 1, no distribution occurs.
lotSizePerPart: Takes effect when Disperse Average Parts is set to 0 and Order average distribution is TRUE. In this case, the lot size per part is determined by this value, and the total lot size remains unchanged.
Lots: Takes effect when Compound Mode is set to FALSE, meaning a fixed lot size is used, and there will only be one order without any distribution.
- SecondsAfterMidnightToOpen: The number of seconds after midnight when trading begins. Trading before midnight is not affected.
- TakeProfit: Take profit.
- StopLoss: Stop loss.
Below are the Key optimization parameters:
The following four parameters can be optimized for different currency pairs or platforms. Using different currency pairs can spread liquidity and reduce the likelihood of slippage. The default parameters are only suitable for GBPUSD. Other currency pairs require their own optimization. We may provide optimized parameters for other currency pairs in the future.
- FilterLevel: Filter level.
- FilterParameter1: Filter parameter 1.
- FilterParameter2: Filter parameter 2.
- RangeLength: Range length.
- Order Mode (1-3): Can be simply understood as the order frequency. The default is Mode 2, which balances order frequency and accuracy. Mode 1 has a high order frequency but low accuracy, while Mode 3 has a low order frequency but high accuracy. If the mode is changed, the four parameters above need to be re-optimized.
- Open Range Limit (point): Limits the range of price movement for opening positions. This is also a relatively important performance parameter.
- Comment: Order comment.
- Magic: EA identifier. Do not use the same identifier as any other EA. If using this EA on multiple currency pairs, the identifier can be the same or different, and the EA will distinguish between the currency pairs.
- EA switch: EA on/off switch. When disabled, the EA stops placing new orders but will continue to manage existing orders until they are closed.
- Output Trade Info: Default is off. When enabled, the EA will output additional information such as slippage to the EA log. However, this may not be displayed accurately on all platforms.
Reference Signal Observation Login Guide
- Login: 7280630
- Investor: f$XvTE4HiM4$ND
- Server: ICMarketsSC-MT5-2
Chinese Version User Guide:
1. 时间框架与基本策略
你可以使用任何时间框架。该策略采用“小波动、大手数”的方式运行,为了照顾低杠杆客户,默认设置为较低手数,风险也较低。建议将 复利倍数(Compound Multiplier) 设置在 20 到 200 之间。即便是默认的 20 值,在 2020 年至 2024 年期间也实现了 30 倍的利润。高频策略的长期复利效果非常惊人。
请注意,过大的订单手数可能会导致滑点,且不同平台的滑点情况有所不同。我们采用了分批入场的方式来应对这一问题。如果回测时间较短,你可以适当提高 复利倍数 以增强回测效果;如果没有订单生成,则可以降低该值。
加载后,主窗口将显示账户杠杆。对于杠杆低于 1:30 的账户,复利倍数 应设置为 20 以下;对于杠杆低于 1:100 的账户,复利倍数应低于 80。较低的杠杆会增加保证金占用,导致可用资金不足,从而无法下单。
2. 平台与账户类型
由于该策略的特殊性,一些标准平台的账户类型可能表现不佳。只有 ECN 账户 或 低点差、高流动性 的平台才有可能实现盈利。一般来说,能够在“Every tick based on real ticks”模式下获得收益的账户,在实盘交易中也能产生类似的利润,且表现非常接近。
- 登录账号: 7280630
- 投资者密码: f$XvTE4HiM4$ND
- 服务器: ICMarketsSC-MT5-2
3. 参数解释
- Auto GMT: 重要参数,默认开启。EA 对时间非常敏感,如果 GMT 错误会导致效果不佳。经过我们的优化,GMT 自动识别的准确率非常高,建议保持 TRUE。
- GMT: 当 Auto GMT 设置为 FALSE 时,该值生效。加载 EA 或每天开始时,日志中会输出一次 GMT 信息。
- Daylight Saving Time: 夏令时开关,关闭 Auto GMT 时生效。
- Show order entry and exit points: 开启后,EA 会用大拇指图标标注买卖点位。拇指朝上表示买入,朝下表示卖出。如果图标与实际点位有差异,说明产生了滑点。长期滑点可能与平台流动性不足有关,建议降低订单手数。
- Open Slippage: 多单滑点限制,一些平台可能无效。
- Close Slippage: 空单滑点限制,一些平台可能无效。
- Open position spread limit: 限制开仓点差。
- Close position spread limit: 限制平仓点差。
- FridayMethod: 周五的订单策略,三种选择:平时手数的一半、照常操作、暂停下单。双击可选择。
Compound Mode: 设置为 TRUE 时,使用资金百分比模式,订单大小随资金变化;设置为 FALSE 时,使用固定手数。
Preset Compound Multiplier: 预设风险等级,共 5 个等级,分别对应 Custom Compound Multiplier 的 20、40、60、80、100。默认使用自定义值。
Custom Compound Multiplier: 当使用自定义模式时生效。不同杠杆的保证金占用不同,过大的值可能因资金不足而停止下单。默认值 20 风险较小,适用于低杠杆账户。建议该值在 20 到 200 之间变化。需要注意的是,过大的值可能会让订单手数过大,导致平台滑点。如果必要,可以在多个平台或货币对上分散操作。
手数 = 账户可用保证金 * 0.0001 * CompoundMultiplier / 10 -
Order average distribution: 设置为 TRUE 时,会将订单手数平均分成多份。
Disperse Average Parts: 订单手数分成的份数,设置为 1 时不分散。
lotSizePerPart: 当 Disperse Average Parts 设置为 0 且 Order average distribution 为 TRUE 时,每份订单手数按此值分配,总和不变。
Lots: 当 Compound Mode 设置为 FALSE 时生效,使用固定手数,不分散订单。
- SecondsAfterMidnightToOpen: 每天午夜后多少秒开始下单,午夜前不受影响。
- TakeProfit: 止盈。
- StopLoss: 止损。
不同的平台和货币对可以通过优化以下参数来适配。使用不同的货币对可以分散流动性,减少滑点的可能性。默认参数适用于 GBPUSD,其他货币对需要自行优化。未来我们可能提供其他货币对的优化参数。
- FilterLevel: 筛选等级。
- FilterParameter1: 筛选参数 1。
- FilterParameter2: 筛选参数 2。
- RangeLength: 区间长度。
- Order Mode (1-3): 订单模式,模式 2 为平衡订单频率与准确率,模式 1 订单频率高但准确率低,模式 3 则相反。更改模式后,前四个参数需要重新优化。
- Open Range Limit (point): 限制开仓的行情振幅,此参数对性能影响较大。
- Comment: 订单注释。
- Magic: EA 识别号,不要与其他 EA 相同。使用多个货币对时,可以相同也可以不同,EA 会自动识别不同的货币对。
- EA switch: EA 开关。关闭时,EA 停止下单,但仍会管理已有订单,直到平仓。
- Output Trade Info: 默认关闭。开启后,EA 日志会输出额外信息,如滑点等。但不同平台的显示可能不准确。