User Guide: “Order Limit” Strategy with “EA CyberBot PRO” Product

“Order Limit” Strategy on “Pivot Points = Resistance 123 + Support 123” from “EA CyberBot PRO” Product

All products associated with the “CyberBot Project” are equipped with an automatic daily update function designed to calculate Pivot Points, Support, and Resistance values arranged in three distinct levels. These values are visually represented as horizontal lines on the chart throughout the current trading day. The calculations are derived from a formula based on the historical data of the previous day. For further details, please visit the blog; About “PIVOT” formula

It is a widely accepted consensus among traders globally that Pivot Points, Support, and Resistance values serve as highly effective references for comprehending market volatility movements, transforming them into measurable patterns. Consequently, these values can be utilized as analytical tools to predict the formation of Reversal or Trend conditions.

The strategy employed in the “CyberBot Project” is primarily focused on ensuring optimal conditions for entering the “Reversal” and/or “Correction” phases. The objective is to execute trades when the Bid/Ask price positions are at their most extreme points. Additionally, the Trade Panel Assistant function is utilized for several “Order Limit” positions that are progressively moving away from t the previous “Order Limit” position.

Setting “Order Limit” prepared every day, with the following procedure:

a. “Buy Limit” position = Sup3 | setting TP = Sup2 and SL = 0

How to: Press the “Pending Buy” button, move the cursor & blue line down, automatically “Buy Limit” to Sup3, then drag & drop SL to Sup2, for SL = 0 do a drag & right click mouse > Delete.

b. “Sell Limit” position = Res3 | setting TP = Res2 and SL = 0

How to: Press the “Pending Sell” button, move the cursor & blue line down, automatically “Sell Limit” to Res3, then drag & drop SL to Res2, for SL = 0 do a drag & right click mouse > Delete.

c. If necessary, make daily corrections if the “Order Limit” has not been executed

How to: Drag & drop each Order & TP line to the current Support & Resistance

d. If possible, create several tiered “Order Limit” with a distance of Res1~Sup1

How to: Like procedures a & b above and placed further from the previous “Order Limit”


The procedure outlined above demonstrates high effectiveness and success when utilizing the “Order Limit” strategy, provided it is supported by discipline and comprehensive backing as detailed below:

A. Implement the “Order Limit” strategy at the Pivot point, Res123, and Sup123. Utilize the “Trade Panel Assistant” function to drag and drop Buy Limit at Sup3 with a Take Profit (TP) at Sup2 and a Stop Loss (SL) set to 0. For Sell Limit, set it at Res3 with a TP at Res2 and an SL of 0. It is advisable for the “Oscillator” curve to be at its highest or lowest point.

B. Apply the “Order Limit” strategy on the “REVERSAL CODE.” Wait for the latest level to form during periods of volatility. If Levels #7, #6, or #5 are established at the bottom, then execute Buy Limit at a price of less than Bid/Ask – 50x with a TP at Cross Levels #3 or #2 and an SL of 0, or execute Sell Limit at a price greater than Bid/Ask + 50x with a TP at Cross Levels #3 or #2 and an SL of 0.

C. If the aforementioned conditions are met and greater certainty is required, please monitor the “TRIGGER” on our livestream 24/7 as described or search for “CyberBot 8 Pairs” on Twitch TV. Exercise patience until the ideal conditions are established, as illustrated in the following example:


It is advisable for every client utilizing the aforementioned method to practice for a minimum of one month with a demo account until the portfolio achieves a target of over 95% in positive performance. In addition to the strategic elements, this process necessitates considerable perseverance and patience, as it involves relinquishing entrenched high-risk habits in favor of a more streamlined system, free from the distractions of excessive trading activities. Trading should only be conducted when the position genuinely supports a hit-and-run approach to maximize potential gains. Subsequently, one should await the next opportunities that ensure both success and emotional well-being.

To further support this initiative, we have intentionally developed several testers that can be downloaded free of charge, compatible with both the MetaTrader 4 (MT4) and MetaTrader 5 (MT5) platforms. For more information, please visit our About Us section:

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