Wormhole Candle Timeframes Explained

Wormhole candle timeframes are standard MT5 timeframes split into smaller, standardized timeframes. Before diving into the details, let’s take a step back and review standard timeframes to help you better understand the concept of Wormhole timeframes.

Standard M5 Timeframe on GBP/USD

In a standard M5 chart, a new candle forms every 5 minutes. If you’re trading 5-minute candles, your trading decisions are based on the closed positions of these candles, and the chart is structured in 5-minute intervals, such as:

TIME: 00:00, 00:05, 00:10, 00:15, etc.

Now imagine trading 5-minute candles but updating them every minute. By redrawing the M5 chart every minute, we essentially create 5 candle formations within the same time period that a standard M5 chart user would see.

Important: Don’t confuse these with 1-minute candles! Here’s the key difference:

Wormhole Candle Example (M1 Chart with Wormhole 5)

If I set my theoretical Wormhole candles to 5 and apply them to an M1 chart, I create a 1-minute Wormhole chart, where the following is true:

  • I’m looking at 1-minute candles
  • I’m looking at 5-minute candles
  • My 1M candles update every minute
  • My 5M candles also update every minute
  • This process keeps repeating
  • This process is referred to as a cycle:
    • Cycle = Chart minutes × Wormhole minutes

Thus, my theoretical 5-minute candles sync with standard timeframes every 5 minutes (since 5 × 1M candles = 5M).

Key Observations

  1. First Minute of the Cycle:

    • For the first minute of a 5-minute cycle, the Wormhole chart is in perfect sync with the standard M5 chart.
  2. Remaining 4 Minutes:

    • For the next 4 minutes, the Wormhole chart is out of sync but updates every minute.
  3. Cycle Re-synchronization:

    • Over time, the Wormhole chart re-synchronizes as the cycle completes and repeats.

What Does This Mean?

With Wormhole candles, you gain a unique perspective on trading:

  • Access to Hidden Data

    • You can see patterns and formations that are not visible to others using standard charts.
  • Trading Advantage

    • You can trade M5 candles 1 minute before everyone else.
    • Note: This doesn’t mean you have access to advance information, but rather that you see candles forming in a way others cannot—almost like viewing another dimension of the chart.
  • The Wormhole Period

    • The time just before the chart re-syncs is what I call the Wormhole.

Expanding on the Concept: Wormhole 6 on an M10 Chart

Now, let’s expand this idea further. Suppose we drop a 6-period Wormhole on an M10 chart.

Here’s what we get:

Deepening the Concept: Wormhole 12 on an M5 Chart

Let’s take this concept a step further. What would happen if we dropped a 12-period Wormhole on a standard M5 chart?

Consider the following:

  1. Cycle length in minutes60 minutes
  2. Small candle size in minutes5 minutes
  3. Large candle size in minutes60 minutes
  4. Number of large Wormhole candles per hour12
  5. Sync time in minutes5 minutes

You can see the way we shift the 5M candles in this video.

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